PCS系统完成对工艺过程的监测和控制,工艺过程的主要参数为温度、压力、流量、液位、界面、密度、含水、转速、震动等的监测控制和报警,常用的控制为PID控制,包括分程和串级等。PCS系统的核心是RS3控制系统,它是Rosemount 公司在70年代中期推出的DCS系统,经过多次的升级和改进,具有很好的稳定性和扩展性,功能完善,使用灵活等特点。RS3提供标准的PID模块,可方便的组态PID控制功能,同时RS3系统的CB(Control Block)模块提供方便连接功能,可以将各种基本的功能块组合成复杂的控制方案。为保证过程控制的无扰动切换,对单回路,由自动状态切换至手动状态时设定值(SP)值跟踪过程值(PV)值;对串级回路,主回路锁定在自动模式,如果副回路不在远程模式(remote),则主回路的输出跟踪副回路的设定值,如果副回路在手动模式,则副回路的设定值跟踪过程值(PV)值。
① 低压(一级)入口的压力由分程控制PIC-5131控制,其设定值由操作员设定。
② PIC-5131的输出同为FIC-5134和FIC-5135的远方设定值。如果一列压缩机不运行,则该列信号不影响压力控制,压力控制由运行列完成。
③ PIC-5131的参数应当在两列同时运行时整定,当为一列运行时,相应的控制响应将会较两列同时运行为慢,可确保控制效果的稳定。
④ 高压(二级)入口的压力由分程控制PIC-5252控制,其设定值由操作员设定。
⑤ PIC-5252的输出同为FIC-5255和FIC-5256的远方设定值。如果一列压缩机不运行,则该列信号不影响压力控制,压力控制由运行列完成。
⑥ PIC-5252的参数应当在两列同时运行时整定,当为一列运行时,相应的控制响应将会较两列同时运行为慢,可确保控制效果的稳定。
SE11200025 Commander SE (Size 1) 0.33hp 230Vac 1? Input - 3? Output 1.5A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE11200037Commander SE (Size 1) 0.50hp 230Vac 1? Input - 3? Output 2.3A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE11200055 Commander SE (Size 1) 0.75hp 230Vac 1? Input - 3? Output 3.1A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE11200075Commander SE (Size 1) 1hp 230Vac 1? Input - 3? Output 4.3A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE232001-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak 1hp 230V - 3? 3.8 Amps Nema 1
SE232001-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak 1hp 230V - 3? 3.8 Amps Nema 12
SE232002-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak 2hp 230V - 3? 5.6 Amps Nema 1
SE232002-N12Commander SE ExpressPak 2hp 230V - 3? 5.6 Amps Nema 12
SE232003-N1Commander SE ExpressPak 3hp 230V - 3? 9.5 Amps Nema 1
SE232003-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak 3hp 230V - 3? 9.5 Amps Nema 12
SE23200400 Commander SE (Size 2) 5hp 230V - 3? 17A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE232005-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak 5hp 230V - 3? 12.0 Amps Nema 1
SE232005-N12Commander SE ExpressPak 5hp 230V - 3? 12.0 Amps Nema 12
SE23400075 Commander SE (Size 2) 1hp 460V - 3? 2.1A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE23400150Commander SE (Size 2) 2hp 460V - 3? 4.2A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE234001-N1Commander SE ExpressPak 1hp 480V - 3? 2.1 Amps Nema 1
SE234001-N12Commander SE ExpressPak 1hp 480V - 3? 2.1 Amps Nema 12
SE23400220 Commander SE (Size 2) 3hp 460V - 3? 5.8A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE234002-N1Commander SE ExpressPak 2hp 480V - 3? 2.8 Amps Nema 1
SE234002-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak 2hp 480V - 3? 2.8 Amps Nema 12
SE234003-N1Commander SE ExpressPak 3hp 480V - 3? 3.8 Amps Nema 1
SE234003-N12Commander SE ExpressPak 3hp 480V - 3? 3.8 Amps Nema 12
SE23400400 Commander SE (Size 2) 5hp 460V - 3? 9.5A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE234005-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak 5hp 480V - 3? 5.6 Amps Nema 1
SE234005-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak 5hp 480V - 3? 5.6 Amps Nema 12
SE2D200075Commander SE (Size 2) 1hp 230Vac 1? or 3? Input - 3? Output 4.3A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE2D200150Commander SE (Size 2) 2hp 230Vac 1? or 3? Input - 3? Output 7.5A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE2D200220Commander SE (Size 2) 3hp 230Vac 1? or 3? Input - 3? Output 10.6A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE2WEExtends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander SE - Size 2
SE33200550Commander SE (Size 3) 7.5hp 230V - 3? 25A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE33200750 Commander SE (Size 3) 10hp 230V - 3? 28.5A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE332007-N1Commander SE ExpressPak 7.5hp 230V - 3? 16.0 Amps Nema 1
SE332007-N12Commander SE ExpressPak 7.5hp 230V - 3? 16.0 Amps Nema 12
SE332010-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak 10hp 230V - 3? 25 Amps Nema 1
SE332010-N12Commander SE ExpressPak 10hp 230V - 3? 25 Amps Nema 12
SE33400550Commander SE (Size 3) 7.5hp 460V - 3? 13A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE33400750 Commander SE (Size 3) 10hp 460V - 3? 16.5A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE334007-N1Commander SE ExpressPak 7.5hp 480V - 3? 9.5 Amps Nema 1
SE334007-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak 7.5hp 480V - 3? 9.5 Amps Nema 12
SE334010-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak 10hp 480V - 3? 12 Amps Nema 1
SE334010-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak 10hp 480V - 3? 12 Amps Nema 12
SE3WEExtends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander SE - Size 3
SE43401100Commander SE (Size 4) 15hp 460V - 3? 24.5A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE43401500Commander SE (Size 4) 20hp 460V - 3? 30.5A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE434015-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak 15hp 480V - 3? 16 Amps Nema 1
SE434015-N12Commander SE ExpressPak 15hp 480V - 3? 16 Amps Nema 12
SE43401850Commander SE (Size 4) 25hp 460V - 3? 37A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE434020-N1Commander SE ExpressPak 20hp 480V - 3? 25 Amps Nema 1
SE434020-N12Commander SE ExpressPak 20hp 480V - 3? 25 Amps Nema 12
SE4WE Extends standard warranty to 5 Years on Commander SE - Size 4
SE51Bi-polar speed reference input card (Commander SE)
SE51-UG SE51 Card User Guide
SE53402200 Commander SE (Size 5) 30hp 460V - 3? 46A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE534025-N1Commander SE ExpressPak 25hp 480V - 3? 37 Amps Nema 1
SE534025-N12Commander SE ExpressPak 25hp 480V - 3? 37 Amps Nema 12
SE53403000 Commander SE (Size 5) 40hp 460V - 3? 60A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE534030-N1Commander SE ExpressPak 30hp 480V - 3? 46 Amps Nema 1
SE534030-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak 30hp 480V - 3? 46 Amps Nema 12
SE53403700Commander SE (Size 5) 50hp 460V - 3? 70A Cont. Output Current Nema 1
SE534040-N1Commander SE ExpressPak 40hp 480V - 3? 60 Amps Nema 1
SE534040-N12Commander SE ExpressPak 40hp 480V - 3? 60 Amps Nema 12
SE534050-N1 Commander SE ExpressPak 50hp 480V - 3? 70 Amps Nema 1
SE534050-N12 Commander SE ExpressPak 50hp 480V - 3? 70 Amps Nema 12
SE55Quickey / Cloning Module (Commander SE)
SE73Profibus-DP interface card (Commander SE)
SE73-UGSE73 (Profibus-DP) User Guide
SE74Interbus-S interface card (Commander SE)
SE77CO CANOpen interface card (Commander SE)
SE77CO-UGSE77CO (CANOpen) User Guide
SE77DNDeviceNet interface card (Commander SE)
SE77DN-UGSE77DN (DeviceNet) User Guide
SE-UG Commander SE Users Guide
SM-CANOPEN CANOpen Solutions Module
SM-CANOPEN CANOpen Solutions Module
SM-CANOPENCANOpen Solutions Module
SMCO-UGSM-CANOpen User Guide
SM-DACSM Fan and Pump Duty-Assist Preprogrammed Option Module
SM-DEVICENET DeviceNet Solutions Module
SM-DEVICENETDeviceNet Solutions Module
SM-DEVICENETDeviceNet Solutions Module
SMDN-UGSM-DeviceNet User Guide
SM-ENCODER PLUSEncoder Plus Solutions Module provides an additional incremental encoder feedback port.
SMEP-UGSM-Encoder Plus User Guide
SM-ETC15 Pin D Shell to 15 pin screw terminal break out board for servo and vector motor encoder feedback cable
SM-ETHERNETEthernet TCP/IP Solutions Module
SM-ETHERNETEthernet TCP/IP Solutions Module
SM-ETHERNETEthernet TCP/IP Solutions Module
SM-EZMOTION Motion Made Easy Solutions Module Utilizing PowerTools programming software
SMEZ-UG SM-EZMotion User Guide
SM-FSCSM Flying Shear Control Preprogrammed Option Module
SM-HEATSINK DBR1Braking Resistor 75 Ohm 50 Watt Heatsink mount for Unidrive SP size 1
SM-HEATSINK DBR2 Braking Resistor 37.5 Ohm 100 Watt Heatsink mount for Unidrive SP size 2
SM-I/O LITEI/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input
SM-I/O LITE I/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input
SM-I/O LITEI/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input
SM-I/O PLUSI/O Solutions Module High Performance (2) +/- 10V analog input (1) +/- 10V output (3) digital inputs (3) programmable digital I/O (2) relay output
SM-I/O TIMERI/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input
SM-I/O TIMERI/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input
SM-I/O TIMER I/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input
SMIB-UGSM-Interbus-S User Guide
SM-INTERBUSInterbus-S Solutions Module
SM-INTERBUSInterbus-S Solutions Module
SM-INTERBUSInterbus-S Solutions Module
SM-KEYPADLED Keypad 7 digit LED data display Configured for Unidrive SP
SM-KEYPAD PLUS LCD Keypad back-lit dual language on-screen help remote mountable
SMPB-UG SM-Profibus User Guide
SM-PELVPELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications
SM-PELV PELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications