  • 规格:3HAC026171-001
  • 发货地:福建厦门
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1个
  • 免费会员














      COM2可以接入同一速率支持RS-485接入的采集设备 。
      如果机房设备多,但通讯的参数又不同。那么就可以用扩展7188EX的接口,使用X504 RS-232扩展板,直接插入7188EX的扩展槽中,他就扩展了COM3,COM4。这样就可以保证机房更多设备的接入。
      迷你型控制器I-7188EX是MiniOS7操作系统,MiniOs7是泓格科技(ICP DAS)针对I-7188/I-8000系列嵌入式控制器所开发的小型操作系统。提供下列功能:基本的文件下载及执行功能。系统硬件诊断功能。可以更新MiniOS7的版本。执行 DOS 格式的程序等,支持一个程序运行,提供了丰富而方便的库函数,其中包括重要的看门狗功能,相关的数据发送和接收函数,网络的连接,和时钟中断函数等等。
      图3 基本流程

      Electroglas EG5 / 300 ARGOS Wafer Prober (Reduced!)

      Tenney / Lunaire T-Series Environmental Chamber

      TA Instruments TMA2940 Thermomechanica?l Analyzer

      Tektronix DTG5274 Data Time Generator w/ Modules

      Rohde & Schwarz UPL16 Audio Analyzer (Reduced)
      Rohde & Schwarz UPL16 w/ Options & Accessories

      Lindgren ETS Series 81 RF Shielded Room 9' x 7' x 8'

      Thermotron S-32C Environmental Chamber

      HP Agilent 35670A Dynamic Signal Analyzer w/ opt's

      Bio-Rad FTS 45 FT-IR Spectrometer w/UMA 300A FTIR

      Alzmetall AB3R Drilling Machine

      Perkin Elmer Autosystem Gas Chromatograph

      Mattson Polaris IR-10410 FTIR Spectrometer (Reduced!)

      Alloyd 2SC1016 Dual Shuttle Sealer, 10 x 16!

      Bio Rad UMA-500 Spectroscopic Microscope, 15x & 4x

      Telsonic USP3000 Ultrasonic Welding System

      Metrum MET64SCUA 8000 Speed (Reduced!)

      HP E4433B opt's 1E5/UND/UN4/UN5?/UN7

      Rohde & Schwarz FSEB20 Spectrum Analyzer 

      Agilent 70420A Phase Noise Test Set w/ opt 001

      GLSI Hg253 Portable Vapor Mercury Analyzer

      Caliper Life Science Tekmar Autotrace SPE Workstation

      HP 89441A Vector Signal Analyzer AYA / AYB / AY9 / UFG

      LMI SE2050 Laser Engraver (Reduced!)

      SSEC Evergreen M10 Wafer & Mask Cleaner 
      Includes Manual, Software & Ammonia Cabinet

      Agilent 35670A opts AY2/1D0/1D1/1D2?/1D3/1D4/1C2

      Kester KWB-1000 Automated Wetting Balance Tester

      Mobicom Accetio 2189 Lot of 1000, All New (Reduced)
      Each Brand New Cell Phone is Complete with Accessories

      Wandel & Goltermann OSA-155 DWDM System Analyzer

      HP Agilent 83621A Synthesized Signal Generator

      DynaMyte 4000 Milling Machine 

      Mech-El Industries 709 Manual Eutectic Die Attacher

      HP/Agilent E9850A VXI Embedded PC Controller

      HP Agilent 5373A Domain Pulse Analyzer (Reduced!)

      Tektronix PB200 Packet / Cell BERT Tester (Reduced!)

      Nicolet Model 730 FTIR Spectrometer with AEM Module

      Wavetek 4808 Multifunction Calibrator

      DRANETZ PP1-P 

      Hardinge DV-59 / DSM-59 Industrial Lathe

      3M-Matic 700r Random Case Sealer, 15 boxes per min!

      Zero Products BNP65-600R&DC Media Blaster w/ Filter

      Blue M IGF-7780F Environmental Oven 1100°F

      Heller 1148 IRC Reflow Convection Oven

      Rohde & Schwarz CMD55 Com Test Set w/ opt's and manuals

      Applied Systems Eng.167KU 300 Watt TWT (Reduced!)

      Despatch LFD2-24-3 Forced Air Oven

      GSI ScanArray 3000 Microarray Scanner

      Azco FG160 SUR-PAK Precision Cutting Machine

      Empire Pro-Finish FS-2636 3 Piece System!

      HP 83420A opts 014 / 210 (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent 8665A Signal Generator 100KHz - 4.2GHz

      Agilent 8509B Lightwave Polarization Analyzer

      HP 35665A opts 1C1/1C2/1D0/1D2?/ANA

      Amtech Ultraweld 20 Precision Ultrasonic Welder

      Coherent Innova 90-6 with LaserPure 20N & Power Supply

      Tektronix GB1400 Analyzer/Genera?tor Test Set (Reduced)

      Coulter Delsa 440 Particle Counter w/ Power Supply

      Tektronix PQA300 Picture Quality Analysis System 

      Perkin Elmer ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detector

      Clausing Colchester 11" Lathe w/ Accessories

      Lydall Affinity CBD-007S-BB09C-?BD3 Chiller

      Unadyn UDC-55 Mini Dryer with 300 Modular Hopper

      Bruel & Kjaer 4602B w/ 4185 & Accessories (Reduced)

      Microtrac FRA 9250 Particle Size Analyzer

      Cumberland 284 Pelletizer, Granulator

      Graco Air Powered Pump with Drum

      Blue M Lindberg WSP-109C-MP3 Shock Chamber (Reduced!)

      Mitutoyo PH-350A Optical Comparator

      Metrum MET64SCUAO 4000 Speed (Reduced!)

      Blue M 1004-8C-MP3 Environmental Test Chamber

      Perkin Elmer Arnel Autosampler

      Solitec Edwards High Vacuum Pump System

      HP 8510C opt 010 50 GHz Network Analyzer (Reduced!)

      MPM SP-1500 Semi-Automatic Screen Printer

      Danly 5 Ton, Four Post Air Press (Reduced!)

      HP 4352B VCO / PLL Signal Analyzer (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent 8760A K72 Performance Test Matrix (Reduced)

      Chase Machine & Engineering Oven Module

      ENI EGR9600B Power Generator 9,000 Watts (Reduced)

      CyberOptics MicroScan Laser Measure System

      Cheminstruments AR-1500 Adhesion Release Tester

      Metrum VLDSB Data tape Recorder (Reduced!)

      Adtech SX/14 Data Link Simulator Mainframe (Reduced!)

      HP/Agilent 70909A 26.5 GHzRF Section Module (Reduced!)

      HP/Agilent 89410A opt's AYA,AYB,AY9,UFG (Reduced!)

      Tektronix VM700A Automatic Video Measurement Set w/ opt

      Blue M DC-206C Convection Oven

      Dukane 410 Series Ultrasonic Wedling System

      Agilent E1437A VXI Digitizer Module 

      Nikon Linear Measurescope 20 LS-403 Stage
      Nikon Measurescope 20 LS-402 Stage

      Spencer Industravac SA607A Air Clean System (Reduced!) 

      Fisher Scientific Isotemp Plus Freezer 13-986-146RA

      Micro Robotics Systems Inc Model 170G (Reduced!)

      Dukane 410 Series Ultrasonic Wedling System

      Maag Flockmaschinen SPG 1000 Rise Time Tester

      Extek 3100 Silver Film Duplicator w/ Manual/Accessor?ies

      Gorman Bobbineer Wire Winding Machine

      Wandel & Goltermann RME-5 / RMS-5 System (Reduced!)

      ETS Lindgren T/T RF Enclosure w/ Anechoic Absorber

      Uson Testra 1100 Gauge Decay Tester

      Nikon SMZ800 Stereomicroscop?e w/ SDC-240 Digital Camera

      Seven Associates B-1A Induction Heating Unit

      Dukane Lot of Qty 2 43A240 & Qty 1 Ultra 351 Auto-Trac

      Tektronix VM700A opt;s 01 / 30 / 40 (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent 5361A CW Microwave Counter, 10Hz to 20 GHz

      CyberOptics MicroScan Laser Measure Unit

      Tektronix VX4101A w/opt's 1A/1D (Reduced!)

      EMCO 5101 Dual TEM Cell (Reduced!)

      HP Agilent E4431B Digital RF Signal Generator (Reduced)

      HP / Agilent 81110A (Reduced!)

      HP 54825A Infinium Oscilloscope, 500MHz, 2GSa/s

      Edwards High Vacuum Pump (Reduced)

      Knight Tool Co. KTC-FT-62 Press 

      Forma Scientific 3908 Reach-In Incubator

      HP 16453A Dielectric Material Test Fixture

      Spirent TAS 4500C RF Channel Emulator

      LeCroy DDA-120 1.0 GHz, 4 Channel 8GS/sec Oscilloscope

      Solartron 1254 Frequency Response Analyzer (Reduced!)

      Solartron/Schlu?mberger 1253 Gain Phase Analyzer.

      Schaffner NSG 431 Electrostatic Discharge System

      HP Agilent 83592C Sweeper Plug-In (Reduced!)

      Olympus SZ6045 Stereo Imaging Microscope System

      Blue M WSP-109B-3 Shock Chamber Oven

      GCI DE1AC Air Conensing Chiller

      Agilent N4483A 

      Koolant Koolers KV2000 Industrial Chiller

      HP 35665A

      ENI POWER SYSTEMS OEM-25 RF Generator

      HP Agilent 8591E Portable Spectrum Analyzer w/ opt 105

      HP 4380A 500 MHz S-Parameter Test Set (Reduced!)

      Tektronix A6909 Two Channel Isolator 

      EXFO FTB-300 w/opt's D2/M1/W1/N4 (Reduced!)

      HP 16190A Performance Test Kit, Complete

      HP 16454A Magnetic Material Test Fixture, Complete

      IRD 350 Vibration Analyzer (Reduced!)

      Teledyne Taber V-5 150-B Electric Stiffness Tester

      Budzar BTU Multi-Zone Electrically HeatedTemp. Unit

      HP 8590D Opt. 003 Spectrum Analyzer 1.8 GHz (Reduced)

      Watson PS2-CB-2 Dual Position Payoff 

      Millipore Waters Quanta 4000E (Reduced)

      HP Agilent 5183U Precision Digitizing Oscilloscope

      Knight Tool Co. KTC-FT-54 Press 

      Ideal 3915-95 Guilotine, New, with Accessories

  • 0571-87774297