美国wearlon防冰涂料Wearlon? 2020.98
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Wearlon® 2020.98
Lowest "Coefficient Of Friction" Wearlon Product
Non-Stick, abrasion resistant properties
Substantially reduces friction
Corrosion resistant
Water-based, environmentally friendly
Safe and easy to apply
Cures at room temperature
Superior surface protection in fresh and salt water environments
Surfaces stay clean, reducing maintenance costs
Clean up with water
Waterproof in a cured state
Apply with conventional equipment
Extends the life of steel, iron, aluminum, concrete, and a wide range of other substrates
As a lubricious, friction-reducingcoating, Wearlon® 2020.98 providesprotection of heat built-up and subsequent material distortion, or damage. This translates into an ideal life-extending coating material for saw blades, rollers, and a host of tool, industrial, and sporting equipmentapplications.
Hydroelectric Advantage
As reported in Hydro Review (September 1997), a major Light and Power company feared that deterioration from rust and age would require replacement of both penstocks. In addition, the recent arrival of zebra mussels in the canal system that feeds the plant gave the utility concern about infestation. Engineers applied Wearlon® 2020.90 primer and Wearlon® 2020.98 topcoat to the penstocks. The top photograph shows a penstock after cleaning by high pressure water spraying (with a humidity monitor in the middle). The bottom photograph shows a penstock after the Wearlon® topcoat was applied. The coating halted deterioration from rust and prevented zebra mussel buildup in both penstocks, while improving the hydroelectric output.
Wearlon® 2020.98 - Slip Properties
(Low Coefficient of Friction)
Stretch Forming aluminum for the auto and aircraft industry (Wearlon 2020.98-Hybrid) – per Boeing “Supplier Communication,” Issue 48, July 2001, Wearlon:
Reduces cycle time and saves labor costs
Eliminates oil and solvent, as well as hazardous material disposal
Increases wear characteristics to prolong the life of the tools
Reduces / eliminates variation due to oil viscosity and usage
Eliminates oxidation of aluminum and plastic dies
Reduces tooling hour on new makes and re-cuts by reducing the benching (sanding) operations.
Wearlon 2020.98 - Cutting Tools
Improved cutting for:
Lawn mower blades
Rototiller blades
Circular saw blades
Band saw blades
Razor blades
Extended life of cutting blades
40% reduction of measured amperage on coated circular saw blades
Extensive testing at the University of Oulu in Finland demonstrated the excellent performance properties of Wearlon 2020.98 in the paper and converting industries.
University of Oulu, Finland Fibre and Particle Engineering Laboratory Department of Process and Environmental Engineering
Measurement of nonstick property
The nonstick property of different coatings was measured with tape release test. The method is modified from TAPPI UM 502 using ABgene PCR adhesive film 0558 (Applied Biosystems Corp.) The test tape is attached to surface and then peeled off 180° angle at 1 inch/min speed. Required force was measured. Before every measurement surface was cleaned and temperature was measured.
Release properties of test roller
Roller was first coated with tungsten carbide and then with different nonstick coatings. Nonstick properties of these coatings were measured with tape release test.
Wearlon 2020.98 has excellent release as a coating on rolls as demonstrated above.
Wearlon 2020.98 excelled when compared to Dupont 954-203 and Dupont 532-8110 upon monitoring the release force at the start and after 4 weeks immersion in sulphate pulp at 194°F. This test is labeled CWSP test (Concentrated Water Sulphate Pulp test). Concentrated water from sulphate pulp was prepared by removing fibers from sulphate pulp. The volume of the water was decreased in half by evaporation.
Wearlon 2020.98 maintained consistently lower release when compared to Xylan 1010, Dupont 958-203, Dupont 958-406, and Dupont 958-414 after two and four weeks immersion in TMP (Thermal Mechanical Pulp) at 86°F.
Wearlon 2020.98 release force remained lower than Xylan 1010, Dupont 958-203, Dupont 958-406, and Dupont 958-414 when immersed in 10% sulphuric acid for 24 hours at room temperature.
Immersion for 24 hours in a temperature of 194°F in caustic baths of 10% and 40% sodium hydroxide indicated the following. The 40% sodium hydroxide was not as detrimental to the Wearlon 2020.98 as the 10% solution was. The Dupont 958-203 performed better in this test. Xylan 1010, Dupont 958-406, and Dupont 958-414 were washed away in the 40% sodium hydroxide test. The Wearlon 2020.98 release force was increased from 50N to 70N after 6.5 hours in the 10% sodium hydroxide bath.
Heat aging at 221°F for four weeks reduced the release force of the Wearlon 2020.98.