SCM435有很高的静力强度、冲击韧性及较高的疲劳极限,淬透性较40Cr高,高温下有高的蠕变强度与持久强度,长期工作温度可达 500℃;冷变形时塑性中等,焊接性差。用作在高负荷下工作的重要结构件,如车辆和发动机的传动件;汽轮发电机的转子、主轴、重载荷的传动轴,大断面零件。
SCM435 has very high static strength, impact toughness and high fatigue limit, and has a high degree of 40Cr, and has high creep strength and lasting strength, long-term working temperature can reach 500. An important structural element, such as a vehicle and an engine, for working under high loads, such as the drive shaft of the rotor, the main shaft, the load bearing of the turbine generator, and the large section parts.
高速工具钢6542,W18cr4v、YXR3、YXM1、ASP2023、T4,SKH2,T15等。 本月全国线螺涨稳跌均现,随着11月的临近,地域性差距越来越明显。整体来看,制约价格走高的主要因素,依旧是市场到货及钢厂限价情况。分区域来看,东北、西北受季节性因素影响,商户多筹备南下或冬储,市场流通资源减量明显。而其他其余受需求及钢厂到货影响,价格波动相对频繁,其中北京大螺纹在创新低的情况下,迅速反弹80-100元/吨,随着价格的过快拉涨,成交放缓。其他区域虽有不同程度调涨,但整体需求依旧不固定,价格缺乏持续上涨动力。11月在即,北方地区随着温度的降低,需求将越发的减少,届时南下资源量将继续增加,南方市场需警惕后期到货压力,控制当前出货节奏。预计11月市场高位将有所回落,整体波动幅度50-100元/吨。本月河北民营钢企价格再创新低,需求和成交情况震荡反复,价格频繁涨跌。虽然钢厂有意挺价,但无奈需求不给力,价格均创年内新低。11月份北方渐入淡季,需求再次减少,而钢厂开工率却持续上升,预计11月份民营钢厂价格延续弱势格局,调整空间在30-80元/吨。This month, the national wire Lo rose steadily, with the approaching November, the regional gap is becoming more and more obvious. On the whole, the main factors that restrict the price of high prices, is still the market arrival and steel prices. Sub region, the northeast, northwest by the seasonal factors, business more than the South or north of the south, the market circulation of resources to reduce significantly. While the rest of the rest of the demand and steel shipments, price volatility is relatively frequent, which Beijing large thread in the case of low innovation, rapid rebound 80-100 yuan / ton, with the price of too fast pull up, turnover slowed. Other regions have different degree of increase, but the overall demand is still not fixed price, the lack of sustained upward momentum. November will soon, the northern region with the decrease of temperature, the demand will be more and less, when the amount of resources will continue to increase, South market will be alert to the late arrival of the pressure, control the current delivery rhythm. Is expected in November the market will be somewhat lower, the overall volatility of 50-100 yuan / ton. This month, Hebei private steel prices and re innovation is low, the demand and turnover of the situation is repeated, the price is frequent drop. Although the mills to very price, but the demand suck, prices are record lows for the year. November north gradually into the off-season, demand again reduced, while the steel mills operating rate has continued to rise, is expected in November the price of private steel mills continue to weak pattern, adjust the space in the 30-80 yuan / ton.本月焊管市场弱势延续,部分市场震荡下跌。"银十"落幕,市场需求表现并不理想,部分市场需求走弱。而临近月底,上游原料带钢接连走低,成本面小幅下滑,导致部分市场顺势下跌。随着淡季到来,北方市场需求趋弱的局势,北材南下力度将会加大,对于南方市场价格冲击较大,而北方市场则因需求降低,商家或以出货为主,低位运行仍将持续。预计下月焊管价格或有稳中趋弱可能,建议贸易商按单采购为主,适量补货;终端方面则以按需为主。