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PHTX-212 PH变送器 美国omega放大图片

产品价格:1   元(人民币)
发货地:深圳  (发货期:当天内发货)


价格:1人民币/件规格:PHTX-212 PH变送器 美国omega

简要说明:美国omega牌的PHTX-212 PH变送器 美国omega产品:估价:1,规格:PHTX-212 PH变送器 美国omega,产品系列编号:PHTX-212 PH变送器 美国omega



PHTX-212 PH变送器 美国omega

工业pH两线4-20 mA变送器
pH Two Wire 4-20 mA Transmitters
PHTX-11/PHTX-014/PHTX-212:Industrial pH Two Wire 4-20 mA Transmitters
LCD Display w/NEMA-4X Housing Model Available
See All Models Below
1 year warranty CE
Isolated or Non-Isolated Models Available
4 to 20 mA Output
Manual or Automatic Temperature Compensation
Integral LCD Display with NEMA-4X Enclosure Model Available, PHTX-11
View related products - Industrial pH Instrumentation and Electrodes
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The model PHTX-014 pH two wire transmitter is designed to provide a standard 4 to 20 mA current output which is proportional to the pH being measured. Its small size and encapsulated construction allow for easy installation and will accommodate any pH electrode with a BNC connector. Temperature compensation is either manual or automatic with use of any 1000 Ohm Platinum RTD.
The PHTX-212 is the same as the PHTX-014 but with a range of 2 to 12 pH. This is a popular choice for use with recorders or any application where it is convenient to divide the output into ten division.
The PHTM-ORP is for an ORP electrode input with a range of 0 to 2000mV.
The PHTX-11 features include a NEMA-4X housing, an integral LCD display for continuous pH reading or for a direct corresponding readout in milliamps, using a convenient push-button switch. The 4 to 20 mA output signal may be scaled in the field to meet specific pH ranges in any 1 to 14 pH unit increment. Temperature compensation is manual using a fixed resistor or automatic using any of OMEGA’s OL-700 Series thermistors probes.
Range: 0 to 14 pH or 2 to 12 pH
PHTX-014: 0 to 14 pH;
PHTX-212: 2 to 12 pH;
PHTX-ORP: 0 to 2000 mV;
PHTX-11: Any 1 to 14 pH unit, user selectable output
Accuracy: ±0.02 pH; PHTX-ORP: ±1.0 mV
Operating Temperature:
PHTX-014, PHTX-212, PHTX-ORP: -25 to 70°C (-13 to 158°F);
PHTX-11: -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F)
Input Impedance: > 10^13 Ohms
Temperature Compensation:
Manual: fixed resistors;
Automatic: PHTX-014, PHTX-212: 1000 ohm Platinum RTD;
PHTX-11:M OMEGA’s OL-700 series thermistor probes
Connector: BNC
Power: 12 to 80 Vdc (24 Vdc recommended)
PHTX-014, PHTX-212, PHTX-ORP: Non-isolated 4 to 20 mA;
PHTX-11: isolated 4 to 20 mA
Input to Output Isolation: PHTX-11: 600 V maximum
PHTX-014, PHTX-212, PHTX-ORP: 57.4 H x 38.1 W x 38.1 mm D (2.25 x 1.5 x 1.5");
PHTX-11: 125 H x 74.2 W x 99.6 mm D (4.92 x 2.92 x 3.92")
Display: PHTX-11: 3 1/2 digit LCD
Display Resolution: PHTX-11: 0.01 pH


产品型号 产品描述
PHTX-212 Non-isolated 2 wire pH transmitter 2-12 pH
PHTX-014 Non-isolated 2-wire pH transmitter 0-14 pH
PHTX-ORP Non-isolated 2-wire ORP transmitter.
PHTX-11 Isolated 4-20 mA pH transmitter with integral display NEMA 4X enclosure
U24Y175 24 Vdc, 175 mA Power Supply
PHA-4710 Buffer kit accessory - 4,7,10 Capsules(2 of each)
PHA-4 4.01 pH buffer solution 475 ml bottle
PHA-7 7.01 pH buffer solution 475 ml bottle
PHA-10 10.01 pH buffer solution 475 ml bottle
PHA-85 2 Vial Set of 10 Capsules- 4 of 4.0 pH (red),4 or 7.0 pH (green), and 2 of 10.0 pH (blue). 5 Year Shelf Life

PHTX-212 PH变送器 美国omega


WTS-480018试纸 美国omega

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