This series reversible disc plough is suitable for plowing on the cultivated and uncultivated land, especially for working on the rice and wheat field after harvesting.
The discs are rotating forward during work, so the friction of soil is small and the discs are not easy to be wrapped and blocked by the grasses. With the long edge and the good wearing resistance of the disc ,
its easy to plough into the soil and the land surface is flat after plowing, the productivity is high and the oil consumption is low.
禹城市一力机械制造有限公司专业生产圆盘犁,圆盘耙,旋耕机,铧犁,中耕机,割草机,播种机,土豆种植机,土豆收获机,农用拖车,喷雾机,挖沟机,挖坑机等 及各种农机配件(耙片,犁片,松土铲)质量好,价格低,欢迎你的垂询。
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联系人:黄经理 QQ:1827887159 销售电话:15552630010(微信)
网址:www.yilimachine.com 地址:山东省禹城市万庄工业园