详细说明 |
品牌:三诺防爆 | 产地:浙江 | 价格:1人民币/件 | 规格:CBY52-Y隔爆型抽芯式应急荧光灯(ⅡB) | 简要说明: **性气体环境危险场所 | |  | | 详细介绍:
CBY52-Y隔爆型抽芯式应急荧光灯(ⅡB) CBY52-Y Flame-proof Type,Drawn core and Emergency Fluorescent Lamp(ⅡB) |
1. 性气体环境危险场所:1区、2区; 2. 可燃性气体、蒸气级别:ⅡA、ⅡB; 3. 温度组别:T1~T4; 4. 户内、户外(IP54); 5. 可配装单、双管荧光灯。
1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture: 1 division, 2 division; 2. Flammable gas, steam class: ⅡA、ⅡB; 3. Temperatures classification: T1~T4; 4. Indoor and outdoor (IP54). 5. The fit with single- or dual-pipe fluorescent lamp is available |

功率 Power (W)
质量 Weigh (kg) |
尺寸 Size (mm)
L |
1×30 |
8.2 |
1092 |
970 |
1×40 |
11.4 |
1397 |
1275 |
2×30 |
14.2 |
1092 |
970 |
17.2 |
1397 |
1275 | |
1. 铸铝合金压铸外壳,表面喷塑; 2. 照明、应急两用灯; 3. 应急电源为免维护镉镍电池组; 4. 应急装置在正常供电条件下自动充电,断电时应急灯自动点亮; 5. 抽芯式结构,便于更换灯管及维修; 6. 专利产品,结构合理,美观大方; 7. 钢管或电缆布线; 8. 符合GB3836-2000、IEC60079, GB12476.1-2000、IEC61241标准要求。 |
1. Diecasted Al-alloy shell with plastic-sprayed surface; 2. Dual-purpose lamp for illuminating and emergency; 3. Emergency power is non-maintenznce Ni-cd cell; 4. Under the normal power-supplying condition, the emergent lamp will turn on when the power loss; 5. Drawn core type structure is convenient for replacing light tube and maintenance; 6. Patent product eith reasonable structure is artistic and tasteful; 7. Steelpipe and cable wiring; 8. Suitable for GB3836-2000、 IEC60079、GB12476.1-2000、IEC61241 standard request. | |
 | |
正常灯功率 Normal lmap power (W) |
应急灯功率 Emergent lamp (W) |
电压 Voltage (V) |
应急灯起动时间 Emergenty lamp starting time (s) |
充电时间 Recharging time (h) |
应急灯照明时间 Emergenty lamp lighting time (h)
1×30, 2×30, 1×40, 2×40 |
30, 40 |
正常 Normal: AC220±10% 应急 Emergent: DC7.2 |
0.3 |
30 |
1.5 | |
光源种类 Luminous source sorts |
灯头型号 Socket model |
防护等级 Protection category |
防爆标志 Explosion- proofing maker |
防腐等级 Corrosion- proofing grade |
进线口螺纹 Inlets thread |
电缆外径 Cables outside diameter (mm)
荧光灯 Fluorescent lamp |
G13 |
IP54 |
Exd Ⅱ BT4 |
W, WF1, WF2 |
G3/4 |
Φ8~Φ10 | |
| |