





    发布者:13642070340  发布时间:2022-10-13 17:02:23  访问次数:238

    Forging Industry



    Heat and Impact -MWA International Ltd. has worked alongside the forging industry for many years gaining invaluable experience throughout the various processes. From this we have developed a unique range of welding electrodes to combat the wear elements predominant in Die Shops and supporting Maintenance Departments.

    热与冲击 -MWA国际有限公司多年来一直与锻造行业合作,在各个流程中都积累了宝贵的经验。由此,我们开发了一系列独特的焊条,以对抗模具车间和辅助维修部门中主要的磨损因素。







    钴基焊条Mac Hica E3074

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E630

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215




    钴基焊条Mac Hica E3074

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Clipping Tools


    工具钢焊条Mac Hss E3062

    钴基焊条Mac Hica E3074


    Hammer Leg


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    纯镍铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405




    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66,

    纯镍铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405




    钴基焊条Mac Hica E3074

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E630


    Furnace Repairs


    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215


    Drive Shafts驱动轴

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E630

    Mac Powder P630



    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E630


    纯镍铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405

    MWA International Ltd. -Our aim is always to save companies money, we do this by reducing down-time and increasing the life of worn parts. This guide will isolate some of the more common problem areas withinyourindustry, (see list below). Using our specialist knowledge we are able to provide a solution, minimising wear and in doing so generate large cost savings for your company.

    MWA公司 -我们的目标始终是为客户节省资金,我们通过减少停机时间和延长磨损零件的使用寿命来实现这一目标。本文将列出锻造行业中一些非常常见的问题领域(见上表)。利用我们的专业知识,我们能够提供有针对性的解决方案,尽可能地减少磨损,从而为客户节省大量成本。

    Team Work- We look upon ourselves as an extension to your maintenance department or workshop. We try to understand your needs and adapt ourselves accordingly. We hope that by working together we can help improve the performance of your maintenance department and ultimately save you money.

    团队合作 - 我们将自己视为客户维护部门或车间的延伸。我们努力了解客户的需求,并相应地调整自己。我们希望通过共同努力,可以帮助客户提高维护部门的绩效,并最终为客户节省资金。


    Forging is fundamentally a process of forming metal, under impact or pressure, to economically produce a desired shape with improved properties. This can be accomplished by any of several forging methods that are basically related to extruding, upsetting and pressing. These methods are performed hot, warm or cold.


    Hammer Forging (Open or Closed Die) -A number of blows are usually required to achieve the desired configuration. In open die forging, the same die is used for all or part of the required blows. In closed die forging, generally one or more blows is struck for each of several die cavities.  Operator skill plays a major role in product quality.

    锤锻(开式或闭式模具) -通常需要多次锤击才能达到所需的外型配置。在开式模锻中,同一个模具用于所有或部分所需的锤击。在闭式模锻中,通常对几个模腔进行一次或多次锤击。锻工技能对产品质量起着重要作用。

    Press Forging -The forging sequence in a press is block and finish, sometimes with a preform, pierce, or trim operation. The piece is usually only hit once in each die cavity. Dies become more important and operator skills less critical.

    机锻 -压力机中的锻造顺序为粗锻和精锻,有时采用预成型、穿孔或修整操作。工件通常在每个模具型腔中只打击一次。模具变得更加重要,锻工技能变得不那么重要。

    Open dies which can be flat, half round, or V-shaped and are used in hydraulic presses for rough shaping of the work piece. Closed  die forging is more complex and is done on a variety of different press types.


    Upset Forging -This process can produce a wide variety of parts in many different configurations such as bolts, sockets and axles. It can be used for preforming jet engine blades and secondary operations for products such as crankshaft flanges.

    镦粗 -该过程可生产多种不同形状配置的零件,如螺栓、套筒和轴。它可用于预成型喷气发动机叶片和曲轴法兰等产品的二次操作。

    The process is very versatile and lends itself to automation. An upset forge can work in both longitudinal and transverse directions, either simultaneously or sequentially.


    Upsetting can be performed in a single blow or a series of blows utilising multiple-pass tooling.


    Roll Forging -This process is capable of producing many shapes required for preforming or finish forging, it is economical and offers high productivity. The process resembles a rolling mill operation in that it reduces the cross-sectional area of a heated bar or billet. The work-piece is squeezed by two powered rolls that rotate in opposite directions.

    辊锻 -该过程能够生产预成型或终锻所需的多种形状,经济且生产率高。该过程类似于轧钢机操作,因为它减少了加热棒材或钢坯的横截面积。工件被两个反向旋转的动力辊挤压。

    Ring Rolling -This process offers homogeneous circumferential grain flow, ease of manufacture and versatility in material, size, mass and geometry. A preform is heated to forging temperature and placed over the idler roll of the rolling machine. Pressure is applied to the wall by the main roll as the ring rotates. The cross-sectional area is reduced as the I.D. and O.D. is expanded. With modern ring rolling, equipment can be fully automated to produce rings, from billet heating through post forge handling.

    环锻 -该过程提供了均匀的周向晶粒流、易于制造性以及材料、尺寸、质量和几何形状的多功能性。将预制件加热至锻造温度,并放置在轧制机的托辊上。环旋转时,主辊向壁面施加压力。横截面积随着时间的推移而减小内径和外径都扩大了。随着现代环件轧制,设备可以完全自动化生产环件,从钢坯加热到锻造后处理。

    Precision Forging - This process is designed to eliminate or minimise machining. Precision forging uses conventional techniques that  are refined to tight tolerances and low draft angles through improved die sinking and close process controls. Control of the forging process, die temperatures, forging pressures, and die lubrication are among the parameters that are very critical to successful precision forging.

    精密锻造 - 该过程旨在消除或减少加工。精密锻造使用传统技术,通过改进的开模和精确过程控制,将其细化到精密公差和低拔模角度。锻造过程的控制、模具温度、锻造压力和模具润滑是精密锻造成功的关键参数之一。

    Isothermal Forging - In this process the material and die are heated to about the same temperature. Isothermal forging of high temperature alloys is a well proven and accepted production process, which requires special tooling materials that retain their strength at these elevated temperatures.

    恒温锻造 -在这个过程中,材料和模具被加热到大约相同的温度。高温合金的恒温锻造是一种经过充分验证和认可的生产工艺,需要特殊的模具材料,以在这些高温下保持其强度。

    By eliminating die chilling closer tolerances can be achieved. Slower ram speeds of hydraulic presses can be used, lowering the strain rate and flow stress of the forged material. The forging pressure is thus reduced and larger parts can be forged in lower tonnage hydraulic presses than applicable mechanical presses.


    Cold Forging - This process is defined as forging at ambient temperature without exceeding yield strength limits. Advantages offered with this process are improved strength, closer tolerences, less draft angles and almost no shrinkage. Due to no preheating of the material being required, lubrication, handling and post treatments differ dramatically from hot forging.

    冷锻 - 该工艺定义为在环境温度下锻造,且不超过屈服强度极限。这种工艺的优点是提高了强度、更紧密的公差、更小的拔模角度和几乎没有收缩。由于不需要对材料进行预热,润滑、搬运和后处理与热锻有很大不同。

    As no preheating is used uniform forming pressures work best. Generally, symmetrical or hollow parts are best suited for cold forging. There are three types of extrusion processes; forwards, backwards and side extrusion. Many of the cold processes can be combined in a single operation, though in most instances parts cannot be completely forged in one stroke. The number of materials suitable for cold forging is very large, ranging from low, medium-carbon steels to aluminium alloys to some stainless steels and titanium alloys. With increased alloying elements, the amount of deformation possible in a single step is generally reduced.


    Warm Forging - The engineering definition of warm forging is forging below the material’s critical point but high enough to significantly lower the material’s yield strength. The practical explanation is to gain some of the advantages of cold forging without some of the problems associated with hot forging. In warm forging, the material retains much of the improved physical condition and strength gained from hot forging, while achieving part tolerances and finishes similar to those obtained in cold forging. Parts produced with warm forging include aerospace components, gears, splines, farm implements and  medical instruments. As warm forging is better engineered, the number of parts forged warm is expected to increase substantially.

    温锻 -温锻的工程定义是低于材料临界点但足以显著降低材料屈服强度的锻造。实际的解释是获得冷锻的一些优点,而不存在与热锻相关的一些问题。在温锻中,材料保留了从热锻中获得的大部分得到改善的物理条件和强度,同时实现了与冷锻中获得的零件公差和光洁度相似的零件公差和光洁度。温锻生产的零件包括航空航天组件、齿轮、花键、农具和医疗器械等。随着温锻工艺的改进,温锻零件的数量有望大幅增加。


    Die Shop Maintenance



    Tools and Diesin the forging industry are normally repaired and maintained in a Die Shop separate to general plant and machinery maintenance. There are numerous types and variations of tools and dies, however, these can generally be separated into three different categories :



    1. Dies 模具

    2. Shear Blades and Saws 剪切刀片和锯

    3. Punches and Clipping Tools 冲头和剪切工具

    Due to the high carbon contents and subsequent high hardenability the weldability of tool steels is poor. This hardenability occurs both in the weld and in the heat affected zone (HAZ) immediately after welding. This in turn will increase the chance of stress cracks. It is therefore vital that not only the correct specification of weld material is used but also the correct welding techniques are followed.


    The first stage of the welding procedure is to isolate the type of tool steel to be welded. While there are hundreds of different tool steels produced throughout the world, many of which may carry their own individual code number, they can generally be grouped under one of the five sections below:


    1.Water Hardening Steels 水淬硬钢
    2.Air Hardening Steels 空气淬硬钢
    3.Oil Hardening Steels 油淬硬钢
    4.Hot working Steels 热作钢
    5.High Speed Steels 高速钢


    Water Hardening Steels 水淬硬钢


    Application : Where design or shape is not intricate. Blanking dies, Shears, Trimming Dies.

    应用 :  设计或形状不复杂。冲裁模、剪切机、切边模。

    Preheat Temperature : 200°C min.

    预热温度 : 200°C min.

    MWA Products : Mac Hica E3074, Mac HSS E3062
    MWA 产品 : 工模具钴基焊条Mac Hica E3074(独有设计) ,工模具焊条Mac HSS E3062(高速钢)

    Post Weld Treatment : Slow Cool

    焊后处理 : 缓慢冷却


    Air Hardening Steels空气淬硬钢


    Application: Due to their high resistance to abrasion, air hardenable steels are most suitable for large dies where the blank traverses across the die face in an abrasive manner. 


    Preheat Temperature: 250°C min.

    预热温度: 250°C min.

    MWA Products:Mac Trode E630, Mac Hica E3074

    MWA产品:特种钢焊条Mac Trode E630,工模具钴基焊条Mac Hica E3074(独有设计)

    Post Weld Treatment: Furnace cool (where possible)

    焊后处理:炉冷 (如有可能)


    Oil Hardenable Steels油淬硬钢


    Applications: Used where finaldimensional accuracy is required. This type of steel is particularly suitable due to its stability during heat treatment. Used for intricate dies,punches  and trimming tools.


    Preheat Temperature: 250°C min.

    预热温度: 250°C min.

    MWA Products:Mac Hica E3072, Mac Hica E3074
    MWA产品:工模具钴基焊条Mac Hica E3072(Stellite 6号),工模具钴基焊条Mac Hica E3074(独有设计)
    Post Weld Treatment: Slow cooling



    Hot Working Steels热作钢


    Application: Hot working steels possess a combination of toughness and red hardness. Such steels are used for punches, billet shears, forging dies and aluminium diecasting dies.


    Preheat Temperature: 325°C

    预热温度: 325°C

    MWA Products:Mac  Hica E3072,  Mac  Hica E3074, Mac Nicro E215
    MWA产品:工模具钴基焊条Mac Hica E3072(Stellite 6号),工模具钴基焊条Mac Hica E3074(独有设计),镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215

    Post Weld Treatment: Controlled cooling required



    High Speed Steels高速钢


    Applications: Used for cutting tools, drills broaches and milling cutters. Suitable for tools with a hardness range of 55-63 HRC.

    应用:用于切削工具、钻头、拉刀和铣刀。适用于硬度范围55-63 HRC的工具。

    Preheat Temperature: 250°C

    预热温度: 250°C

    MWA Products:Mac Hss E3062
    MWA产品:工模具焊条Mac Hss E3062(高速钢)

    Post Weld Treatment: Controlled cooling required



    Works Maintenance Department



    Whilst the importance of tool and die repairs can never be ignored, without a fully functional hammer or press to run them on, they are of little or no use.


    MWA International Ltd. recognise the constant difficulty maintenance departments work under when presented with items to repair that may be as much as 50 years old. Spares are unlikely to be available and with replacement costs and delivery times completely unrealistic welding is often the only cost effective solution.

    MWA公司认识到,维修部门在面对可能长达50年之久的物品需要维修时,会面临持续的困难。 备件不太可能得到,加上更换成本和交货时间完全不现实,焊接修复往往是唯一的成本有效的解决方案。

    Our aimis to offer you a complete back-up service where by you are able to use our wealth of experience within your industry. Our commitment to your repair is as follows:


    1. To identify your problem and work with you to accomplish a cost effective solution.


    2. To recommend and provide the consumables required as well as explain in detail the welding procedures to be used.


    3. To cover the preparation, including cleaning and preheating, welding techniques and post welding procedures.


    4. If necessary to over see the work to ensure a successful result.







    Hammer Leg


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405  

    切割开槽焊条Mac Groove E71


    Tup 锤头

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Slides 滑块

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Lifting Drum 卷扬机卷筒

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405


    Con Rods 连杆

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Wedge Keys


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E630

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66




    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E630,

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Drive Shafts 驱动轴

    Mac Powder P630




    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6130




    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E406


    Furnace Repairs


    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215


    Top Hat Bush 顶帽衬套

    铜合金焊条Mac Bronze E808


    Problems & Solutions



    1.Hammer Leg - Replacement of hammer a leg is both impractical from a cost and delivery/down-time point of view. Cracking or breakage is usually caused by side blows. When this occurs the leg is often contaminated with oil etc.  It is vital that a high strength  repair is achieved. For this reason it is the techniques used which are as important as the welding material deposited.

    锻锤支柱 - 从成本和交货/停工时间的角度来看,更换锻锤支柱是不切实际的。开裂或断裂通常是由侧面撞击引起的。发生这种情况时,锻锤支柱经常被油等污染。实现高强度修复至关重要。因此,采用的技术与熔敷的焊接材料一样重要。

    2.&3.Tups & Slides - Friction usually causes the tup and the slide to wear one another, resulting in the hammer to fall out of line. Repairs are very infrequent and therefore welding procedures critical. Once again replacement costs and delivery times mean welding is the only cost effective solution.

    锤头和滑块 -摩擦通常会导致锤头和滑块相互间磨损,导致锤子不能正常工作。维修很少,因此焊接程序至关重要。再次说明,更换成本和交付时间意味着焊接是唯一具有成本效益的解决方案。

    4.Lifting Drum -Normally made from cast iron and subject to friction, strict welding techniques need to be administered while repairing. A life increase of 200% can often be achieved using Mac Cast E407.

    卷扬机卷筒 -通常由铸铁制成,易受摩擦,维修时需要执行严格的焊接技术。使用Mac Cast E407铸铁焊条通常可以实现200%的寿命增长。

    5.Con Rods -Friction on the internal bores of con rods is the most common form of wear. Care needs to be taken to ensure distortion does not take place when welding.

    连杆 -连杆内孔上的摩擦是最常见的磨损形式。焊接时应注意确保不发生变形。

    6.&7.Wedge Keys & Poppets -Two applications which are seldom repaired despite the possibility of large savings against replacing with new parts.

    楔键和提升阀 - 两种应用很少维修,尽管比更换新零件可能节省大量成本。

    8. Drive Shafts - Can be easily repaired using the Powder Welding process. With the ability to apply deposits so accurately as to almost eliminate machining, cost of raw materials and labour can be as little as 5% compared to replacing with a new shaft.

    驱动轴  -可使用粉末焊接工艺轻松修复。由于能够精确地应用熔敷物,几乎可以消除加工,与更换新轴相比,原材料和劳动力成本仅为5%。

    9. Spreaders -Wear is caused on the adjustment faces and by using Mac Trode E66a fast and cost effective repair can be achieved.

    吊具 - Mac Trode E66镍铬合金特种钢焊条可以对调整面上的磨损实现快速且经济高效的维修。

    10. Bolsters -These are subject to massive impact forces with wear more prevalent on the dovetails. Bolsters can easily  be  repaired using either a special steel or cast iron electrode depending on the base material.

    模枕 - 它们会受到巨大的冲击力,燕尾榫磨损更为普遍。根据母材的不同,使用特殊的镍铬合金钢焊条或铸铁焊条轻松地修复。

    11. Furnace Repairs -With internal temperatures as high as 1400°C special electrodes that can withstand elevated temperatures, (Mac Stain E102), must be used. Applications such as heat treatment trays require electrodes that can combat constant thermal cycling, (Mac Nicro E215).

    熔炉维修 -内部温度高达1400°C时,必须使用能够承受高温的特殊焊条(不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102)。热处理托盘等应用需要能够抵抗恒定热循环的焊条(镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215)。

    12. Top Hat Bushes -These can often develop “flat spots”.  This  leads to potential problems on striking and in turn tup and slide wear. With the correct pre-heat and using special bronze electrodes (Mac Bronze E808) a repair costing a tenth of a new replacement can be achieved.

    顶帽衬套 -这些通常会形成“平点”。这会导致潜在的打击问题,进而导致锤头和滑块磨损。通过正确的预热和使用特殊的铜合金焊条(Mac bronze E808),可以实现仅需新更换件十分之一的修复成本。


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