





    发布者:13642070340  发布时间:2022-10-13 15:35:03  访问次数:240

    Glass Industry



    Heat and Abrasion - It may sometimes appear that the maintenance engineer working in the glass industry has a much easier role than his counterpart in a foundry or forge. However, MWA  recognises that this is not the case when considering sand is the main material used for manufacturing glass. Heat and abrasion are predominant in almost all stages of the process, generating a constant battle to minimise their effect.

    磨损 - 有时看来,在玻璃行业工作的维修工程师比在铸造厂或锻造厂工作的维修工程师要容易得多。然而,MWA公司认识到,当考虑到沙子是制造玻璃的主要材料时,情况并非如此。热和磨损几乎在过程的所有阶段都占主导地位,应想办法尽量减少其影响。

    MWA International Ltd. - We have over 30 years experience working along side maintenance departments in all industries. Our aim is always to save companies money, we do this by reducing down-time and increasing the life of worn parts. This guide will isolate some of the more common problem areas within your industry, (see list below). Using our specialist knowledge we are able to provide a solution, minimising wear and in doing so generate large cost savings for your company.

    MWA公司 - 我们在所有行业的维修领域有超过40年的工作经验。我们的目标始终通过减少停机时间和提高磨损零件的使用寿命来做为客户节省成本。本指南将列出玻璃行业中一些常见的问题领域(请参阅下面的列表)。利用我们的专业知识,我们能够提供有针对性的解决方案,有效地减少磨损,从而为客户节省大量成本。


    Problem 问题部件

    Solution MWA焊材


    Mixer Blades


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E630

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E335T

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375


    Cullet Crushers


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6130

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375


    Furnace Repairs


    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215


    Moulds 模具

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405


    Conveyors 输送机

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Loading Buckets 装载斗

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375


    Gears & Sprockets


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407


    Shafts & Spindles 轴和主轴

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Pumps & Impellers 泵和叶轮

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405


    Furnace Charger Tongues


    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102


    Team Work - We look upon ourselves as an extension to your maintenance department or workshop. We try to understand your needs and adapt ourselves accordingly. We hope that by working together we can help improve the performance of your maintenance department and ultimately save you money.

    团队合作 - 我们视自己为客户维修部门或车间的延伸。我们努力了解客户的需求,并相应地调整自己。我们希望通过合作,我们可以帮助客户提高维修部门的绩效,并最终为客户节省资金


    Problems & Solutions



    As a manufacturer we pride ourselves in not only supplying the right product for the job but also in ensuring that the correct methods of application are used before, during and after welding. Remember, If you are lucky enough to own a Ferrari, but put the wrong petrol in it, you can be sure it will not perform to its optimum.


    1. Mixer Blades - These are subject to severe abrasion caused during the highly abrasive mixing process. Depending on individual circumstances one of 3 welding processes may be used: Arc welding, Gas welding, Powder Welding. In some cases the increase of life of a mixer blade can be as much as 300%.

    搅拌机叶片 - 在高研磨性混合过程中,这些材料会受到严重磨损。根据具体情况,可采用以下3种焊接工艺中的一种电弧焊、气焊、粉末焊接等。在某些情况下,搅拌机叶片的使用寿命可提高300%

    2. Cullet Crusher Jaws or Hammers - During the crushing process of the cullet severe abrasion occurs. When using our Mac Trode series electrode please do with the correct preparation and post welding treatment.

    破碎机颚或锤 - 破碎过程中发生严重磨损。当使用我们的Mac Trode 系列焊条时,应进行正确的准备和焊后处理

    3. Furnace Repairs - With working temperatures often as high as 1400°C parts are prone to cracking and spalling. Using specialised nickel based electrodes such as Mac Stain E102 or Inconel type electrodes like our Mac Nicro E213 or Mac Nicro E215, these parts can easily be repaired leaving them better prepared to withstand such elevated temperatures.

    熔炉维修 - 工作温度通常高达1400°C零件容易开裂和剥落。使用专门的镍基不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102Inconel焊条Mac Nicro E213E215,这些零件可以很容易地修复,使它们能够更好地承受这样的高温。

    4. Glass Moulds - A combination of both heat and abrasion cause wear on small areas of moulds. Either arc welding or powder welding process may be used depending on the specific application. A common concern when repairing such parts is the potential for slight undercut to occur. With our help and guidance we will show you how to avoid this and reduce any problems machining afterwards.

    玻璃模具 - 热和磨损的结合会导致模具小面积磨损。根据具体应用,可采用电弧焊或粉末焊接工艺。修理此类零件时,一个常见的问题是可能发生轻微的咬边。如有需要,我们可以帮助和指导客户如何避免这种情况并减少以后的任何问题。

    5. Conveyors - Areas of concern when reclaiming conveyor parts usually centre upon rebuilding worn areas caused by abrasion. However, simply combating this problem does not eleviate difficulties caused by vibration. Using our specialised electrode Mac Trode E66 both of these problems can be overcome, leaving the part or section far stronger than in its original form.

    输送机 - 修复输送机零件时,关注通常集中在恢复磨损造成的区域。然而,仅仅解决这个问题并不能消除由振动引起的困难。使用我们的特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66,这两个问题都可以克服,使零件或部件比原来更坚固。

    6. Loading Buckets - With the constant flow of glass and concrete over

    the loading buckets extreme wear is prevalent. One of the main problems here is the large area that needs to be welded. However, in our range of hard facing electrodes we have a special tubular rod designed for such applications. Mac Hard E335T is designed to deposit at very low amperages giving minimum base  dilution and high recovery rates.

    装载斗 - 随着玻璃和混凝土不断涌进装载斗,极易磨损。这里的一个主要问题是需要焊接的面积很大。然而,在我们的硬面耐磨焊条系列中,我们有一种专为此类应用而设计的特殊管状焊条硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E335T设计用于在非常低的电流下堆焊,提供最小稀释和高回收率。

    7. Gears and sprockets - the repair of these parts is common throughout

    most industries including the glass industry. These parts are usually either cast iron or cast steel and can be easily repaired using the correct pre-heat and post weld procedures.

    齿轮和链轮 - 这些零件的维修在包括玻璃行业在内的大多数行业都很常见。这些零件通常是铸铁或铸钢,使用正确的预热和焊后程序可以很容易地修复

    8. Shafts and Spindles - By using the Powder Welding process these

    universal wear problems can easily be solved at large cost savings to your company rather than contracting the repairs out.

    轴和主轴 - 通过使用粉末焊接工艺,这些普遍磨损问题可以很容易地得到解决,从而大大节省贵公司的成本,而不外包维修。 

    9. Pumps and Impellers - Despite the wide variety of materials pumps and 

    impellers can be made from there are specific electrodes available for all base metal types whether it be cast iron, stainless steel, cast steel, etc. Using the correct welding procedures the risk of cracking and distortion can be eliminated ensuring a cost saving is made.

    泵和叶轮 - 尽管泵和叶轮的材料种类繁多,但所有母材类型(无论是铸铁、不锈钢、铸钢等)都有特定的焊材可用。使用正确的焊接程序,可以消除开裂和变形的风险,确保节约成本。 

    10. Furnace Charger Tongues - Elevated temperatures are the main reason for wear, therefore using welding electrodes designed to combat up to 1400°C will enable repairs to be made. It must be noted that the part will then be far better equipped to withstand these extreme temperatures after being welded, ensuring an increase in part life.

    炉加料舌 - 高温是磨损的主要原因,因此使用设计用于抵抗高达1400°C的焊材将能够进行维修。必须注意的是,焊接后的零件将更好地承受这些极端温度,确保零件寿命的增加。

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