





    发布者:13642070340  发布时间:2022-10-13 11:31:46  访问次数:242

    Mining/Cement & Quarry Industries

    Impact and Abrasion - By nature one of the most demanding industries the maintenance engineer is likely to encounter. MWA International Ltd. has worked alongside the mining, cement & quarrying industries for many years gaining invaluable experience throughout various casting processes. From this we have developed a unique range of welding electrodes to combat the predominant wear elements found in your industry

    冲击和磨损 - 从本质上这些是维护工程师可能会遇到的最苛刻的行业之一。MWA公司多年来一直与矿业/水泥/采石行业合作,在各种铸造工艺中积累了宝贵的经验。基于此,我们开发了一系列独特的电焊条,以对抗这些行业的主要磨损元素

    MWA International Ltd. - We have over 40 years experience working along side maintenance departments in all industries. Our aim is always to save companies money, we do this by reducing down-time and increasing the life of worn parts. This guide will isolate some of the more common problem areas within your industry, (see list below). Using our specialist knowledge we are able to provide a solution, minimising wear and in doing so generate large cost savings for your company.

    MWA公司 - 我们在所有行业的维修部门有超过40年的工作经验。我们的目标始终是为公司节省资金,我们通过减少停机时间和延长磨损部件的使用寿命来实现这一目标。本指南将列出您所在行业中一些常见的问题领域(见下表)。利用我们的专业知识,我们能够提供有针对性的解决方案,尽可能地减少磨损,从而为客户节省大量成本。




    Solution MWA产品


    Mixer Blades, Scrapers, Shreders, etc搅拌机刀片、刮刀、粉碎机等

    耐磨堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375(碳化钨) 

    Mac Powder P375


    Impeller Blades


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66,

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306




    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6130

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306




    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407




    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213/E215

    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102


    Kiln Drive


    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407

    切割开槽焊条Mac Groove E71




    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306 




    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    Mac Powder P630




    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6130

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375 (碳化钨)


    Rotary Coolers 旋转冷却器

    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102


    Burner Nozzles


    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215

    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102


    Ball Mill 球磨机

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6130


    Clinker Inlet


    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375 (碳化钨)


    Ripper/bucket Teeth


    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375 (碳化钨)


    Drive Housing 驱动器壳

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Stabilising Arms 稳定臂

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66




    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306

    Mac Powder P306


    Gear Teeth


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407


    Grinding Mill 研磨机

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375 (碳化钨)


    Earthmoving Machinery


    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E335T

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E406

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Moulds 模具

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Extrusion Presses 挤压机

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407


    Chassis 底盘

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66


    Bearings 轴承

    铜合金焊条Mac Bronze E808/E809

    Team Work - We look upon ourselves as an extension to your maintenance department or workshop. We try to understand your needs and adapt ourselves accordingly. We hope that by working together we can help improve the performance of your maintenance department and ultimately save you money.

    团队合作 - 我们将自己视为客户维护部门或车间的延伸。我们努力了解客户的需求,并相应地调整自己。我们希望通过共同努力,我们可以帮助客户提高维护部门的绩效,并最终为客户节省资金。



    Problems & Solutions



    1. Mixer Blades, Scrapers, Shredders, etc., - Clay is extremely abrasive and will quickly wear away the bottoms and corners of most blades unless they are protected by a hard surface material. Designed to withstand severe abrasion, coupled with its ability to deposit large amounts of weld at low amperages, we would recommend our ‘375’ in the electric, gas or powder form.

    搅拌机叶片、刮刀、粉碎机等 - 粘土具有极强的研磨性,会很快磨损大多数叶片的底部和拐角部位,除非它们受到坚硬表面材料的保护。我们建议碳化钨堆焊焊条MAC Tungsten E375,该款焊条设计用于承受严重磨损,在低电流下具有熔敷大量焊缝的能力

    2. Impeller Blades - The blades that make up the fan which draws hot gases etc. from the furnaces are subject to severe abrasion. These can easily be repaired with either Mac Trode E66 or Mac Hard E306 depending on the type of abrasion being encountered.

    叶轮叶片 - 从熔炉中吸入热气等的风扇的叶片受到严重磨损。根据磨损类型,可以使用镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306轻松修复。

    3. Crushers (Primary & Secondary) - It is vital that while the weld deposit is abrasion resistant it is also able to yield slightly under impact. It is for this reason that a buttering layer of weld is applied prior to the hard facing material. This can be done using our Mac Trode E6130 on the first pass with either Mac Hard E306 or Mac Tungsten E375 on top (depending on the material being crushed).

    碎机(主级次级 - 熔敷层耐磨的同时,在冲击下也能轻微屈服,这一点至关重要。正是由于这个原因,在堆焊之前,应采用特钢焊条Mac Trode E6130作为缓冲层使用硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306Mac Tungsten E375(取决于母材)来堆焊

    4. Pumps (slurry etc.)  - Damage to pumps may occur both internally and externally. External damage usually consists of broken feet or cracks in the pump casing. Internal damage may be caused by the abrasive nature of the liquid being pumped. In either case repairs can be carried out quickly and cost effectively by your own maintenance staff using Mac Trode E66 and Mac Cast E407, depending on whether the base material is steel or cast iron.

    泵(泥浆等) - 泵的损坏可能发生在内部和外部。外部损坏通常包括支架断裂或泵壳裂纹。泵送液体的研磨性可能会导致内部损坏。在这两种情况下,维修人员都可以使用镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407快速、经济地进行维修,具体取决于材是钢还是铸铁。

    5. Kiln - Operating temperatures within kilns are often in the region of 1200°C. Due to the parent metal being under constant thermal cycling the weld areas are the most likely to fail. Therefore by using a special heat resistant electrode, Mac Stain E102, or an Inconel type electrode, Mac Nicro E213, this will combat the thermal cycling without failing.

     - 窑内的工作温度通常在1200°C范围内。由于母材处于恒定的热循环中,焊接区域最有可能发生故障。因此,通过使用不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102(耐热)镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213(Inconel铬镍铁合金型),这将可以对抗热循环而不会失效

    6. Kiln Drive - Kilns are supported by three spline mounted cast iron tyres some 16 feet in diameter. Cracking occurs in the weaker areas. Whilst this is an extensive repair, given the correct electrodes and procedures, an excellent cost effective repair can be achieved using our Mac Groove E71 and Mac Cast E407.

    窑驱动装置 - 炉窑由三个花键安装的铸铁轮箍支撑,直径约16英尺。裂缝发生在较弱的区域。虽然这是一个广泛的修复,但如果焊条和程序正确,使用我们的切割开槽焊条Mac Groove E71和铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407可以实现高成本效益的修复。

    7. Conveyor Screws - The abrasive manner of many quarry products, i.e. stones and clays, causes wear along the leading edges and faces on conveyor screws. As this wear takes effect  the  conveyor becomes less efficient, it is at this stage that weld repair becomes a necessity. By using a buttering layer followed by a hard surface layer, conveyor screws may be reclaimed, in many cases the service life may be increased by as much as 300%.

    输送机螺杆 - 许多采石场产品比如石头和粘土的研磨方式会导致输送机螺前缘和表面磨损。随着这种磨损的影响,输送机的效率降低,在这一阶段,需要进行焊接修复。通过先使用一层缓冲层,再使用一层硬面层,可以修复输送机螺,在许多情况下,使用寿命可提高300%

    8. Shafts - As with many industries, sub-contracting is the preferred option. This can prove to be both time consuming and expensive. Repairs may be done in house by use of either the correct grade electrode, Mac Trode E66, or by the most proficient process of Powder welding.

    轴类 - 与许多行业一样,一般是选择修复外包。这可能既耗时又昂贵。修理可以在公司内部采用正确等级的镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66。

    9. Hammers - Due to the severe impact and abrasive conditions which the hammers must withstand, it is essential that the mixture of weld deposited will protect the hammers without being too brittle. By using Mac Trode E6130 as a buttering layer, capped with either Mac Hard E306 or Mac Tungsten E375, the life of the hammers may be extended by 150%.

    破碎锤 - 由于破碎锤必须遭受严重的冲击和磨蚀,熔敷的焊缝混合物必须能够保护破碎锤,而不会太脆。通过使用钢焊条Mac Trode E6130作为缓冲层,用硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306碳化钨硬面堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375覆盖,锤子的寿命可延长150%

    10. Rotary Coolers - Any failures in this area of your plant will almost certainly be due to loss of corners on the coolers. They are usually of a high nickel content and are repaired using Mac Stain E101 etc.

    旋转冷却器 - 冷却器发生的任何故障几乎肯定都是由于拐角处缺失造成的。它们通常镍含量较高,使用不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E101等进行修复。

    11. Burner Nozzles - As with most areas within kilns, the requirement is for a heat resistant weld for temperatures in excess of 1200°c. By using either Mac Stain E102 or our range of ‘inconels’, repairs are long lasting and easily achieved.

    燃烧器喷嘴 - 与窑内的大多数区域一样,要求在温度超过1200°C的情况下进行耐热焊接。通过使用不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102(耐热)镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213(Inconel铬镍铁合金型),,可以实现持久且容易实现的修复。

    12. Ball Mill - After the clinker has been conveyed to the cement mill it is ground in a tube mill filled with white cast iron balls. The inside of the mill is protected by hardened steel plates bolted in position. It is these bolt heads which need protection. This is achieved by using Mac Trode E6130.

    球磨机 - 熟料输送至水泥磨机后,在充满白口铸铁球的管磨机中进行研磨。磨机内部由螺栓连接固定的硬化钢板保护。这些螺栓头需要保护通过使用钢焊条Mac Trode E6130实现的。

    13. Clinker Inlet on Ball Mill - Usually Manganese castings. These are easily reclaimed using Mac Trode E6130 as a buttering layer. Mac Hard E306 as a hard surface material for ultimate abrasion resistance.

    球磨机上的熟料入口 - 通常为锰铸件。使用钢焊条Mac Trode E6130作为缓冲可以轻松修复硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306是一种硬质表面材料,具有优异耐磨性。

    14. Ripper Teeth - Two possible failure modes are often the case when repairing ripper teeth.

    General wear : It is necessary to give maximum abrasion resistance, for this reason we would use Mac Tungsten E375 for re - facing

    Fatigue Failure : Due to the clawing action of the teeth they are subject to massive tensile and fatigue stresses. This is overcome by using Mac Trode E66 which gives a tensile strength of 55 Ton / Inch2.

    齿 - 通常会出现两种可能的失效模式

    一般磨损:有必要提供尽可能高的耐磨性,因此我们使用碳化钨硬面堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375进行重新表面处理。

    疲劳失效:由于齿的挖掘动作,会承受巨大的拉伸和疲劳应力。使用镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66可克服这一问题,其抗拉强度为840N/mm2

    15. Drive Housing - Often cast steel, on a repair we would be looking for a maximum strength and toughness. For these reasons Mac Trode E66 will give a permanent repair to this application.

    驱动外壳 - 通常为铸钢,在维修时,我们会寻求强度和韧性。由于这些原因,镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66将对该应用进行永久性修复。

    16. Stabilising Arms - Again due to the huge stresses on the stabiliser arms, it is necessary to safeguard against future failure by providing the maximum possible strength. This is achieved by the use of Mac Trode E66.

    稳定臂 - 同样由于稳定臂上的巨大压力,有必要通过提供尽可能大的强度来防止未来的故障。通过使用镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66可以实现。

    17. Augers - Augers are common in many areas of the construction industry. The majority of the wear occurs on the leading face or edges. These are easily reclaimed by either powder welding or electric welding using Mac Powder P306 / Mac Hard E306.

    螺旋输送器 - 螺旋输送器在建筑行业的许多领域都很常见。大多数磨损发生在前缘或边缘。使用硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306进行堆焊焊接,很容易修复这些部位

    18. Gear Teeth - The cost and lead times of replacing worn gears and sprockets is often beyond comprehension. It is with this in mind that MWA can offer you advice on which electrode and techniques to use depending on the grade of steel / iron of the component. It is not uncommon for a £10000.00 gear wheel to be recovered for a few hundred pounds.

    轮齿 - 更换磨损的齿轮和链轮的成本和交付周期往往难以理解。考虑到这一点,MWA可以根据部件的钢/铁等级,为您提供使用哪种焊条方法的建议。一个价值10000.00英镑的齿轮花几百英镑修复,这并不罕见。

    19. Grinding Mill - Very similar to crushers except abrasion is now the key factor rather than impact. Mac Hard E306 / Mac Tungsten E375 will give an increase of 200% again.

    磨机 - 与破碎机非常相似,只是磨损现在是关键因素,而不是冲击使用硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E306/碳化钨硬面堆焊焊条Mac Tungsten E375增加使用寿命200%

    20. Earthmoving Machinery - The weld repairs of earthmoving machinery is very diverse. It may involve hard facing of buckets and shovels. The ideal product to use for this would be Mac  Hard E335T. For the repair of cast iron components, i.e, manifolds, you would use Mac Cast E406. Stabiliser arms are a very common area of failure due to its high strength, to repair this you would  be advised to use Mac Trode E66. All of the aforementioned have been repaired using Mac Electrodes on many occasions. In addition to these there are many areas which are not so common and on which we will be able to advise you on, when and if the situation should arise.

    土方机械 - 土方机械的焊接修复非常多样化。这可能涉及铲斗和铲的硬面。理想的产品是碳化钨硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E335T。对于铸铁部件(歧管)的维修,可以使用铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405。由于其强度高,稳定臂是一个非常常见的故障区域,要修复此故障,建议使用镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66。上述所有设备都曾多次使用Mac系列焊条实现成功修复。除此之外,还有许多不太常见的领域,我们可以就这些领域向客户提供建议

    21. Moulds - In brick and tile manufacturing, a chrome/nickel mould is often used to produce the finished item. It is important that the finished brick/tile is free from surface marks. Problems in this area often arise when the moulds become worn or pitted. Repairs can be made at this stage. However, we need to be ensuring that the weld deposit is not too hard otherwise the pitting would still occur. With this in mind, by using Mac Trode E66 which is also chrome/nickel based, we can achieve a mould and weld deposit which wear at approximately the same rate. Moulds can be recovered quickly and cost effectively.

    模具 - 在砖瓦制造中,铬/镍模具通常用于生产成品。重要的是,成品砖/瓦不能有表面痕迹。当模具磨损或凹陷时,这方面的问题经常出现。在这个阶段可以进行维修。然而,我们需要确保熔敷层不是太硬,否则点蚀仍然会发生。考虑到这一点,通过使用同样基于铬/镍的镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66,我们可以获得和模具磨损率大致相同的焊接熔敷层。模具可以快速、经济地修复

    22. Extrusion presses - When the clay is first processed through the extrusion press, wear occurs readily on the presses, which are often of a cast iron nature. Mac Cast E407 gives the maximum resistance to wear and cracking of our cast iron range and has been successful on this application many times.

    挤压机 - 当粘土初次通过挤压机进行加工时,压力机上很容易发生磨损,这通常是铸铁性质的。我们铸铁系列产品中铸铁焊条Mac Cast E407提供了尽可能强的耐磨性和抗裂性,并多次在该应用中取得成功。

    23. Chassis - Wear occurs through cracking and impact. By using Mac Trode E66 the part can easily be repaired.

    底盘 - 磨损是通过开裂和冲击产生的。通过使用镍铬合金特种钢焊条Mac Trode E66,零件可以轻松修复。

    24. Bearings - Like all bearing applications the wear is predominately caused through friction. They are usually phosphor bronze and therefore, by preheating to approximately 400°C and using either Mac Bronze E808 or Mac Bronze E809, an excellent repair can be achieved.

    轴承 - 与所有轴承应用一样,磨损主要由摩擦引起。它们通常是磷青铜,因此,通过预热到大约400°C,并使用铜合金焊条Mac Bronze E808Mac Bronze E809,可以实现出色的修复。

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