





    发布者:13642070340  发布时间:2022-10-13 10:56:21  访问次数:238

    Power Industry


    Heat and Corrosion - MWA International Ltd. has worked alongside the power industry for a number of years to such an extent that we have recently redeveloped an entire range of Nickel Alloys to aid the maintenance engineer in this field. The Steel grades within the power industry may vary from Carbon / Manganese grades such as Inconels and Nimonics.

    热和腐蚀 - MWA公司与电力行业合作多年,最近我们重新开发了一整套镍合金,以协助该领域的维护工程师工作。电力行业的钢种可能不同于碳/锰钢种,如Inconels铬镍铁合金和Nimonics镍铁合金

    When considering weld repairs within the power industry it is important to remember the rapid changes in engineering steels  recently. Where AISI 316 stainless steel was undoubtedly a major barrier  against corrosion as little as 20 years ago, it would be safe to say it has been surpassed by the superalloys such as Inconel, Hastalloy and Nimonics in recent times. Similarly the days of carbon steels has been updated by the use of modern day materials such as carbon manganese steels and low alloy steels such as 1% Cr/Mo and 2% Cr/Mo.

    在考虑电力行业内的焊接修复时,重要的是要记住最近工程钢的快速变化。早在20年前,AISI 316不锈钢无疑是防止腐蚀的主要屏障,但可以肯定的是,它已经被InconelHastalloyNimonics等高温合金(超合金)所超越。同样,碳钢的时代也随着现代材料的使用而更新,如碳锰钢和低合金钢,如1%Cr/Mo2%Cr/Mo

    With this in mind it is important we do not fall into the trap of assumption. Always ascertain which materials are to be welded before making a final decision.


    MWA International Ltd. - Our aim is always to save  companies money, we do this by reclaiming casting defects, reducing down-time and increasing the life of worn parts. This guide will isolate some of the more common problem areas within your industry, (see list below). Using our specialist knowledge we are able to provide solutions to problems and in doing so generate large cost savings for your company.

    MWA公司 - 我们的目标始终是通过修复铸件缺陷、减少停机时间和提高磨损零件的使用寿命来为客户节省资金。本指南将列出您所在行业中一些常见的问题领域(请参阅下面的列表)。利用我们的专业知识,我们能够为客户提供有针对性的解决方案,从而节省大量成本。





    Turbine Casings


    碳锰钢焊条Mac Trode E6718/E6918

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6502/E6505


    Steam Chests 蒸汽箱

    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E101/E100ELC

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213


    Bolts 螺栓

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NM


    Blades(Low, Intermediate  & High)


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NM

    工模具焊条Mac Hica E3072(Stellite 6)

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213




    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100ELC

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6410NM/E6505




    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100ELC

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213,

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6505/E6410NM

    碳锰钢焊条Mac Trode E6718


    Furnace Repairs


    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E215


    Reheater Tubes


    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213/E215,

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NM

    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102/E100ELC


    Pump Bodies


    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405/E407

    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100ELC

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213




    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405

    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213


    Heat Exchangers /Generator Tubes


    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E203/E213


    Turbine Rings


    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213

    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NM


    Volute Casings 蜗形体

    铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405/E407


    Clinker Grinders


    特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6130

    硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E335T


    Coal Burner Nozzles


    镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E203/E213

    不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102

    Team Work - We look upon ourselves as an extension to your maintenance department or workshop. We try to understand your needs and adapt ourselves accordingly. We hope that by working together we can help improve the performance of your maintenance department and ultimately save you money.

    团队合作 - 我们视自己为客户维修部门或车间的延伸。我们努力了解客户的需求,并相应地调整自己。我们希望通过合作,可以帮助客户提高维修部门的绩效,并最终为客户节省资金。

    Problems & Solutions


    As a manufacturer we pride ourselves in not only supplying the right product for the job but also in ensuring that the correct methods of application are used before, during and after welding.


    1. Turbine Casings - Generally made of low alloy steel, occasionally 5% or 9% chrome. By matching up the original steel grade they an be repaired easily and safely using electrodes such as Mac Trode E6718, Mac Trode E6918, Mac Trode E6502, Mac Trode E6505.

    涡轮机壳 - 通常由低合金钢制成,有时含5%9%的铬。通过匹配原始钢等级,可以使用诸如锰钢焊条Mac Trode E6718Mac Trode E6918特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6502和Mac Trode E6505焊条轻松安全地对其进行修复。

    2. Steam Chests - Most are of a standard stainless steel grade such as AISI 304 or AISI 316 or occasionally an Inconel grade 625, these can be repaired by using the correct repair method and electrodes such as Mac Stain E100 ELC, Mac Stain E101, Mac Nicro E213.

    蒸汽 - 大多数为标准不锈钢等级,如AISI 304AISI 316,或偶尔为铬镍铁合金等级Inconel 625,可使用正确的修复方法和焊条,如不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100 ELCMac Stain E101及镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213进行修复

    3. Bolts - Whilst bolts may appear a trivial repair to the untrained they are a common cause of failure. They are readily repaired using Mac Trode E6410 NM or Mac Nicro E213.

    螺栓 - 虽然螺栓对未受过培训的人来说可能只是一种微不足道的维修,但它们却是导致故障的常见原因。 它们很容易使用特殊钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NM镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213修复。

    4. Blades (Low, Intermediate and High Pressure) - There are usually two modes of failure in relation to blades, either failure by cracking or failure due to wear caused by abrasion. To repair a broken blade the choice of electrode would be governed by the base material, either Mac Trode E6410 NM or Mac Nicro E213. To hard face the blade edges Mac Hica E3072 would give the desired abrasion resistance and heat resistance.

    片(低压、中压和高压) - 片通常有两种失效模式开裂磨损。为了修复破损的刀片,焊材的选择取决于母材种类使用特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NM镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213。对于堆焊刀片边缘,钴基工模具焊条Mac Hica E3072(Stellite司太立6)将提供所需的耐磨性和耐热性。

    5. Superheaters - These can be made from any one of a number of materials. The choice of consumable would depend on the base material, options would include Mac Stain E100 ELC, Mac Trode E6410 NM, Mac Trode E6502, Mac Trode E6505 and Mac Nicro E213.

    过热器 - 这些可以由多种材料中的任何一种制成。焊材的选择取决于母材类型,包括不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100 ELC特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NMMac Trode E6502Mac Trode E6505镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213

    6. Pipework - These can be made from any one of a number of materials. The choice of consumable would depend on the base material, options would include Mac Stain E100 ELC, Mac Trode E6718, Mac Trode E6410 NM, Mac Trode E6502, Mac Trode E6505 and Mac Nicro E213.

    管道 - 这些可以由多种材料中的任何一种制成。耗材的选择取决于基材,选项包括不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100 ELC锰钢焊条Mac Trode E6718特种钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NMMac Trode E6502Mac Trode E6505镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213

    7. Furnace Repairs - Due to the excessive working temperatures, many parts are prone to cracking and spalling. Using specialised Inconel, hastalloy and Stainless Steel electrodes such as Mac Nicro E213, Mac Nicro E215 and Mac Stain E102, these parts can be repaired easily, leaving them better prepared to withstand such elevated temperatures.

    熔炉维修 - 由于工作温度过高,熔炉许多零件容易开裂和剥落。使用专用的铬镍铁合金Inconel如Mac Nicro E213焊条哈氏合金hastalloy如Mac Nicro E215焊条和不锈钢焊条Mac-Stain E102等,这些零件可以很容易地修复,使它们能够更好地承受这种高温。

    8. Reheater Tubes - Again, maybe made from a variety of materials depending upon the age of the plant concerned. To combat corrosion and heat the electrodes for this application would be Mac Stain E100 ELC, Mac Stain E102, Mac Trode E6410 NM, Mac Nicro E213 and Mac Nicro E215.

    再热器管 - 同样,可能由多种材料制成,取决于相关设备的生产年代。为了对抗腐蚀和热,这种应用的焊条将是不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100 ELCMac Stain E102特殊钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NM以及镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213Mac Nicro E215

    9. Pump Bodies - These will usually be made from either cast iron or some grade of stainless steel. It is very important that the correct method is used in order to achieve a permanent and sound repair and to avoid cracking. Electrodes for this application would include Mac Cast E406, Mac Cast E407, Mac Stain E100 ELC or Mac Nicro E213.

    泵体 - 这些通常由铸铁或某种等级的不锈钢制成。使用正确的焊接方法以实现永久和良好的修复并避免开裂非常重要。此应用的焊条包括铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405Mac Cast E407不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E100 ELC镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213

    10. Exhausters - These will be either cast iron or a high quality heat resistant material. On this particular application a higher grade cast iron such as Mac cast E405 or Mac Nicro E213 is required.

    - 这些材料可以是铸铁,也可以是高质量的耐热材料。在这种特殊应用中,需要更高等级的铸铁焊材,如铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213

    11. Heat Exchangers/Generator Tubes - Generally made of a high grade heat resistant steel and would be repaired by Mac Nicro E203 or Mac Nicro E213.

    热交换器/发电机管 - 通常由高级耐热钢制成,镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E203Mac Nicro E213进行维修。

    12. Turbine Rings - Are often worn due to the high pressures and friction they are easily repaired using electrodes such as Mac Trode E6410 NM or Mac Nicro E213.

    涡轮环 - 通常由于高压和摩擦造成磨损,使用诸如钢焊条Mac Trode E6410 NM镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E213等很容易修复。

    13. Volute Casings - These will usually be a ni-hard material and are subject to excess abrasion. There is no pre-heat required when welding these parts and either Mac Cast E405 or Mac Cast E407 may be used. Avoid excess heat build when welding, therefore, use the ‘back step’ process to minimise heat build up and cracking.

    蜗形体 - 通常是含镍铸铁材料,并且会受到过度磨损。焊接这些零件时不需要预热,可以使用铸铁焊条Mac Cast E405E407。避免焊接时产生过多热量,因此,采用退焊法工艺将热量积聚和开裂降至最少。

    14. Clinker Grinders - These will be found in the Cold Handling Plant and their main wear property is abrasion from the coal. To combat this use Mac Trode E6130 as a buffering layer, (build up to within 2 layers of finished profile). Then cap off with Mac Hard E335T.

    熟料粉碎机 - 这些会在冷处理设备中发现,它们的主要磨损特性是来自煤炭的磨损。为了解决这个问题,使用钢焊条Mac Trode E6130作为缓冲层(1-2层)然后用硬面堆焊焊条Mac Hard E335T封盖

    15. Coal Burner Nozzles - Elevated temperatures cause distortion. The nozzles are also subject to abrasion. To ensure best results remove spalled material and do not pre or post heat. Use either Mac Nicro E203, Mac Nicro E213 or Mac Stain E102.

    煤粉燃烧器喷嘴 - 温度升高会导致变形喷嘴也会受到磨损。为确保达到满意的效果,请去除损坏的材料,不要预热或焊后热处理。使用镍合金焊条Mac Nicro E203Mac Nicro E213耐热不锈钢焊条Mac Stain E102

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